
The end!

Hello everyone! I hope you are fine

Well, the day has come! this is the last post. Today I will talk about my experience in this class, English.

Always I liked English, I was the first in the class, usually I got an average 7.0, but I don't know what happened this year.

I entered to University with a good base in English, but only writing and reading. Is for this that it was very difficult for me keep pase of my classmates. Is so complicated for me listening a conversation or start one, and for this reason my marks weren't good. But during the year I started to understand that teacher spoke, and also understand the "listening", slowly. Sometimes I cameback angry to my house for can't understand the class or because I got a bad mark in a test. But slowly I have gone beating it. I remember when I spoke about my career, I was very nervous and when I finished it I remembered that I hadn't changed the slides, I felt very bad.

Strangely enough, some days I didn't have difficult to undestand the conversations, ever I was able to talk about the topic, but some days I didn't undestand anything and I was frustated to see that my classmates can talk about the topic, many times I had to ask to my friend Nico about the conversation for can undertand.

Well, notwithstanding I think that I have learned to listening, or least understand some conversations and make me some ideas about people is talking. Also I can start a conversation or follow a basic conversation and although I can't continue a complex conversation I feel satisfied with what I have learned this year.

Well, it was about my experience in this class, I hope that you have liked my post.....

bye!....take care!!!!


A fashion illness!

Hi everyone! Today I will talk about a topic very important for the area of health and a very common disease in our days, it is the stress!!! Stress is a reaction of people to changes that could be internal or external and these generate an alteration in the balance of the person. Stress is usually caused for negative events, for example, job loss, financial problems, emoexcessive work or study, routine or just when we are in situations we can't overcome, etc.
Stress affects organs and whole body in general, some symptoms and the most common complaints in people with stress are depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, indigestion, rashes, sexual dysfunction, nervousness and fast pulse.
Some people are more prone to this disease, I think it can be for your body or psychological characteristics and principally for their way of confront their problems or for their way of seeing the life.
how we can treat it?
As a short term, the treating physician may prescribe tranquilizers or antidepressants, but as a long term theme is advisable to talk with friends or people you trust and share the emotions, in addition to not impose more responsibilities or tasks until they get used to the current.
I invite you to learn more about this common disease because no one is free from it... BYE!


A healthy lifestyle!!!

Hello, everyone!!!
Today I will write about a thing very important for our lifes, I will talk about the healthy lifestyles.
As we are students of area of health, we must manage, implement and instill in our patients this lifestyle. Is it possible to have one day healthy? Of course, and I think that it must be every days, all our lifes. Why? Because it help us to keep a balance in the body and in the mind, and this form we can do our daily activities, work and study wiht better performance. What thing we have to do to have a healthy lifestyle? Well, first we must care our feeding, this is important for keep the balance in the body, also is important for this balance do exercises, is not necessary do it all day and kill us for it, but if we do it three times for week it is good. And other thing very very important is the hydration, we have to drink, at least, two liters of waters for day.
Well, it was respect healthy body. About healthy mind, we haven’t to overwork and avoid the stress, too is necessary hollidays and vacations of time to time, it can be at beach, at mountain, at field, etc, for relax us and comeback at our work or studies with energy and I guarantee you will have better performance.
We, as students of area of health we have to have this lifestyle to be role models for our patients.
Well, I hope you interested this topic, because is very important!!! BYE


miths of neuroscience

hi everyone!, today I will talk about a mith in the neuroscience. Humans only use 10% of their brain?

Read this blog and you can know it!

This mith come from Einstein, also Karl Lasley used electric shocks in the brain and he found that some areas of the brain didn't react, so he concluded that we don't use this areas.

But we can say that this mith is false!!!!! Now there are imaging techniques which show us that there are areas of the brain that have differents functions, for example, when we see something this information go at primary visual area in a place of the brain, as well as with the other senses. Besides this, there are areas more complex which are linked to the production and comprehension of lenguage.
There are also secondary areas, for example, if we talk about vision, as I said before, this information go at primary visual area, but then of this, the information must go at secondary visual area and in this place is analysed and the object seen is reconstructed in three dimensions.
In this moment neuroscience try to show that the brain is active completly, when there is a person under local anaesthesic there are active areas, even when no movement, sensations, emotions or during sleep. Therefore there aren't inactive areas, if this were so it would indicate a serious functional disorder and therefore this myth is false!!!
Before reading this paper I had already heard about this myth and so I wanted to know what studies had been done to demonstrate that it is false.
Well, personaly I like this paper, I hope that you too........BYE!!!!



Hello my classemates, today I will talk about my favourite get-away!!!
My favourite get-away is the beach! All my life I have gone there. This beach is in V region and is called Loncura. Every summer I and my family come to Loncura, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, counsis, aunts, uncles and grandfathers, all together. That is the time to meet all and share because during the year we can't meet, everybody are very busy. Summer is special for me!
Well, about the beach I think that that it is the best beach for swimming, sea is clean and the waves aren't big, it isn't dangerous. The sand is white, fine and clean!
In the night, we like do roasted, we go at disco to dance, we play lottery jajjajaj because everybody can play old and children or we go at Quintero to the craft fair and machine games.
Generally we go first days of January and we stay there 1 or 2 months, we come back to Santiago when classes begin. So I'm here waiting summer, because in Loncura I can have a rest and I have a good time with my family. I am eager for come back to Loncura and swimming, sunbathing, dance, eat roast and share with my family.
Well, it was about my favourite get-away, I hope you have enjoyed! Byeeeee!



Well, we are gonna write about music, so I will tell you what kind of music I like and why!
In general I like any kind of music, specially Classic Rock!
The reason is that my parents, particulary my dad all his life has listened classic rock and latin rock, so I grew up listening this music in my house, on the car, etc.
My favorite group is Guuuuns and Roseeees.......I love this group and I love Axl! :)
Too I like others groups as Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Scopion, Queen, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, etc. Latin rock's groups I like Soda Stereo, Enanitos Verdes, Los Prisioneros, Fito Paez, etc. Too I like other groups like Depeche Mode, Cold Play and Radiohead.
Some favorite songs are Don't cry and November rain by Guns and Roses, Hotel California by The Eagles and Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.
When I study I like listen slow music, for example Cold Play, but when I am happy I listen classic rooooock or latin roock!
But I like dance very muuuch, too! In a party I like dance merengue, cumbia, salsa (although I don't know dance it jajajja) and regueton :)

I don't know if music is something that fill my life, but wherever I go I carry my mp3 because I can't be without listening to music, I get bored. When I have a free time I listen music and when I am alone I listen music.

Well, it was about my favorite music...........bye!!!!!!!


My ideal job

Well, I chose Physical therapy last year, because I like the health area and sport, so I thought that this degree course was right for me. During this semestre I have liked Physical therapy very much, especially the neurology area. Here physical therapist see patients with neuronal damage or people who have had an accident and doctors have had to amputate some parts of the body as patient's arms or legs, for example. Too they work with people who have had a vascular accident and it has caused a paralysis in a side of body or both. So physical therapist have to stimulate affected zone for brain capture the stimulus and it generate a response for the muscle can do an action, it is in first case. In second case, physical therapist have to teach to patients to do their activities of daily life more normal possible. Well, in 7 years from now I see myself work in a hospital or clinic helping people with problem that I said before. And about working hours I would like work around 7 or 8 hours, no more, because I want to share with my family too, I don't want to be all day in my work although I love my work. And about money I would like a salary suitable at years of study and I can live right and I can keep a family. Sometimes I wish be a physical therapist right now, I'm impatient for be a professional now, because I see people with some dicapacidad and I fell need to help. So, this form I see myself in the future.

men's world?

The gender roles have changed in last time. Before women stayed in the house, caring for children, cleaning the house, cooking the food, washing clothes, etc. And men worked and brought money at home. This was a tipical family in a pair of decades ago.
Today this roles have changed, because the women are more independents.
In the home they left rol that they had before, women have left worry for houseworks and they are begining to work out home and, in many cases, they are bringing money and they keep the home.
Today the great mayority of families still men work for keep the home, but women are doing too.
So, somebody have to worry for house. Is for this that man and woman have had share the activities in the house. Men have had learn to cook, wash clothes, caring children, etc, activities that women did before.
I don't think that men have lost their place in society, but I think that women are introducing strongly as a independent people in society.
Actualy, people prefere hire at men, because tradicional thought hasn't gone but I think that women can do the same than men, so both can work in the same and wouldn't problem. So I say WOMEN CAN!

About the food!

My favorite food is the "Chorrillana", its ingredients are potato chips, meat, onion, cheese and fried egg. We can eat this food in pubs, restaurants, soda fountain, etc. I eat Chorrillana in Shop Dog usually. I don't feel guilty about eating something, but I know that I must have moderation when I eat something, especially when I eat junk food. Everybody must eat all the nutrients in a normal diet, for example carbohydrate, lipids, minerals, proteins and vitamins, they are fundamentals for a good health. The students should eat foods that contain carbohydrate because this nutrient contribute us a important source of energy and it help to students for keep them active during the day. I think the food that damage health are food rich in lipids (fat) because it takes several hours to metabolize and it accumulates in the body. The food rich in lipids are food fast, fried food, etc. And about the perfect diet, I think that it must be rich in all nutrients like fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, bread, meat, etc, but it mustn't be in excess, because it could cause diseases. It doesn't healthy, especially the food rich in lipids. Finally, I have to say that food more pleasant or more "delicious" isn't so healthy but we can give us a taste occasionally.

My future profession

I think that the people that work in the area of health are more important for welfare of the country. A university career of this area is the Physical Therapy. This professionals work in the rehabilitation of the patients for they can comeback at their normal lifes. Too, the physical therapist can work with sportsmen for they can have a good performance in their sports. My expectaions are perform me in the rehabilitation of the patients, specifically in the rehabilitation of movement, because I think that this form I well help at more people, though I like area of sport too. Since I was a little girl I liked area of health and the sports and I thought in this career because it has this two things that I like and for this reason I chose this university carrer.

My favorite website


My hobbies are sports, specially Tae Kwon Do. I have liked this sport since I was a small girl, because my father has practiced it all his life. He is 1st Dan. I began in December 3rd, 2008. I'm yellow - green grade now, in June I will be green grade. For this I have to learn basic movements and their names in korean and the 2nd form its name is "I Yang". I train three days for week, monday, wednesday and friday, two hours for day. I have gone to five championships, and I have gotten medals in all of them. I have two gold medals, one silver medal and two bronze medals. My small sisters practice Tae Kwon Do too. Constanza is yellow grade and Valentina is white grade. She is begining. This sport is important for me because I was a shy person before begin to train and it has helped me because I have known many people and have new friends. Too it have been important por me because it have joined to my family, we shared more time and we like the same things. When I go to gym, I forgot the problems and worries that I have every days, and enjoy and entertain with my friends. I would like practice in University's selection, but I don't have time for do it. My last championship was in February in Pichilemu. We stayed here three days. It was very funny. My sister and friends got a medal and me too. I think that my father is proud of me.

My experience - February 27th,

Well, the nigth when we lived the earthquake I was in the beach's house in Loncura, 5th region Valparaiso. I was sleeping when earthquake began. When it started my aunt woke up to me. My first reaction was go to see to my mother and sisters. They were in other room. My dad was in Santiago. While we ran at courtyard, the lights went off. We were worried and frightened, because we thought that could happen a tsunami. When finished the earthquaker I tried call by cell phone to my dad, but I couldn't speak with him. Nobody could know about their families. Next day my mother spoke with my father, he was fine and our house too. He said her he would come on Saturday and he would bring come back to Santiago on Sunday. When arrive to my house, only there were books on the floor.


Hello!!! My name is Cynthia. I'm 19 years old, I'm a student of physical therapy in Universidad de Chile, I like sports, specially the Tae Kwon Do, my degree is yellow - green, and I like English, too. I'm in the pre-intermediate in the English's class. But write and read English is more easy, for me, than talk and listen it. Well, I live whit my parents and two smoll sisters, very beautifull. They are 12 and 5 years old. Well I don't kwon what more write :) bye! Take care!!!!