
The end!

Hello everyone! I hope you are fine

Well, the day has come! this is the last post. Today I will talk about my experience in this class, English.

Always I liked English, I was the first in the class, usually I got an average 7.0, but I don't know what happened this year.

I entered to University with a good base in English, but only writing and reading. Is for this that it was very difficult for me keep pase of my classmates. Is so complicated for me listening a conversation or start one, and for this reason my marks weren't good. But during the year I started to understand that teacher spoke, and also understand the "listening", slowly. Sometimes I cameback angry to my house for can't understand the class or because I got a bad mark in a test. But slowly I have gone beating it. I remember when I spoke about my career, I was very nervous and when I finished it I remembered that I hadn't changed the slides, I felt very bad.

Strangely enough, some days I didn't have difficult to undestand the conversations, ever I was able to talk about the topic, but some days I didn't undestand anything and I was frustated to see that my classmates can talk about the topic, many times I had to ask to my friend Nico about the conversation for can undertand.

Well, notwithstanding I think that I have learned to listening, or least understand some conversations and make me some ideas about people is talking. Also I can start a conversation or follow a basic conversation and although I can't continue a complex conversation I feel satisfied with what I have learned this year.

Well, it was about my experience in this class, I hope that you have liked my post.....

bye!....take care!!!!


A fashion illness!

Hi everyone! Today I will talk about a topic very important for the area of health and a very common disease in our days, it is the stress!!! Stress is a reaction of people to changes that could be internal or external and these generate an alteration in the balance of the person. Stress is usually caused for negative events, for example, job loss, financial problems, emoexcessive work or study, routine or just when we are in situations we can't overcome, etc.
Stress affects organs and whole body in general, some symptoms and the most common complaints in people with stress are depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, indigestion, rashes, sexual dysfunction, nervousness and fast pulse.
Some people are more prone to this disease, I think it can be for your body or psychological characteristics and principally for their way of confront their problems or for their way of seeing the life.
how we can treat it?
As a short term, the treating physician may prescribe tranquilizers or antidepressants, but as a long term theme is advisable to talk with friends or people you trust and share the emotions, in addition to not impose more responsibilities or tasks until they get used to the current.
I invite you to learn more about this common disease because no one is free from it... BYE!


A healthy lifestyle!!!

Hello, everyone!!!
Today I will write about a thing very important for our lifes, I will talk about the healthy lifestyles.
As we are students of area of health, we must manage, implement and instill in our patients this lifestyle. Is it possible to have one day healthy? Of course, and I think that it must be every days, all our lifes. Why? Because it help us to keep a balance in the body and in the mind, and this form we can do our daily activities, work and study wiht better performance. What thing we have to do to have a healthy lifestyle? Well, first we must care our feeding, this is important for keep the balance in the body, also is important for this balance do exercises, is not necessary do it all day and kill us for it, but if we do it three times for week it is good. And other thing very very important is the hydration, we have to drink, at least, two liters of waters for day.
Well, it was respect healthy body. About healthy mind, we haven’t to overwork and avoid the stress, too is necessary hollidays and vacations of time to time, it can be at beach, at mountain, at field, etc, for relax us and comeback at our work or studies with energy and I guarantee you will have better performance.
We, as students of area of health we have to have this lifestyle to be role models for our patients.
Well, I hope you interested this topic, because is very important!!! BYE