
My ideal job

Well, I chose Physical therapy last year, because I like the health area and sport, so I thought that this degree course was right for me. During this semestre I have liked Physical therapy very much, especially the neurology area. Here physical therapist see patients with neuronal damage or people who have had an accident and doctors have had to amputate some parts of the body as patient's arms or legs, for example. Too they work with people who have had a vascular accident and it has caused a paralysis in a side of body or both. So physical therapist have to stimulate affected zone for brain capture the stimulus and it generate a response for the muscle can do an action, it is in first case. In second case, physical therapist have to teach to patients to do their activities of daily life more normal possible. Well, in 7 years from now I see myself work in a hospital or clinic helping people with problem that I said before. And about working hours I would like work around 7 or 8 hours, no more, because I want to share with my family too, I don't want to be all day in my work although I love my work. And about money I would like a salary suitable at years of study and I can live right and I can keep a family. Sometimes I wish be a physical therapist right now, I'm impatient for be a professional now, because I see people with some dicapacidad and I fell need to help. So, this form I see myself in the future.

men's world?

The gender roles have changed in last time. Before women stayed in the house, caring for children, cleaning the house, cooking the food, washing clothes, etc. And men worked and brought money at home. This was a tipical family in a pair of decades ago.
Today this roles have changed, because the women are more independents.
In the home they left rol that they had before, women have left worry for houseworks and they are begining to work out home and, in many cases, they are bringing money and they keep the home.
Today the great mayority of families still men work for keep the home, but women are doing too.
So, somebody have to worry for house. Is for this that man and woman have had share the activities in the house. Men have had learn to cook, wash clothes, caring children, etc, activities that women did before.
I don't think that men have lost their place in society, but I think that women are introducing strongly as a independent people in society.
Actualy, people prefere hire at men, because tradicional thought hasn't gone but I think that women can do the same than men, so both can work in the same and wouldn't problem. So I say WOMEN CAN!